" This time was different,
Felt like, I was just a victim,
And it cut me like a knife,
When you walked out of my life,
Now I'm, in this condition,
And I've, got all the symptoms,
Of a girl with a broken heart,
But no matter what you'll never see me cry "
'Cry' ~ Rihanna
Nothing had been going right in her life lately and today was no exception.
She struggled to keep a few loose papers in place as she dashed past the overcrowded corridors of her college.
It had been raining continuously since the past few days and the entire city was water-logged. However, a little precipitation was always welcomed in the month of May and noone seemed to be complaining; except her. The rains made her uncomfortable.
She looked at her watch; She was going to be so late !
She was already at daggers with her professors over low attendance and today was her final viva; or to put it more bluntly, her turn of getting royally screwed.
She crashed through the doors of the seminar hall and panted out a loud sigh of relief, only to find a room-full of eyes staring at her coldly with a careless smirk.
There was an brief awkward silence as she vulnerably looked around hoping to find a sympathetic face.
Finally, she was addressed by a formidable and condescending voice instead.
"Welcome, Miss D, how very kind of you to join us today."
"I am soooo sorry ma'am, I can explain...."
After a twenty minute presentation on a topic that she knew nothing about; ten minutes of a gruelling viva session and thirty long minutes of explaining her absence from the class; she walked out of the hall, exhausted.
She had managed to pull of the presentation and pass with decent grades, to the surprise of everyone present in that room; but somehow it made no difference to her anymore.
She had'nt eaten or slept in days; but that did not matter as well.
She slowly dragged herself into an empty classroom, sunk down her head on one of the desks and cried. There was defeaning roar in the sky followed by a heavy downpour, lashing the roof of the building.
She had never felt this lonely before and the only one who could make her feel better was a thousand miles away from her...For him, she was just another human, just another soul, far, far away.
She never had any control over his life or decisions but at that moment, she felt as if losing control of her emotions as well.
She had longed to hear his voice and feel his presence next to her but ironically, her only companion in this moment of grief; her only solace, was the very rain that she hated.
A few minutes later she collected her files and left.
This is not simple academic pressure..the girl is troubled by so many other things that she just cant bear the study pressure.This girl needs to loosen up and have fun.God bless her.
u spell hardbreak amazingly....why so???
@ piyush...it never really is about one single thing, is it?
@ raj...the answer, my frnd, lies in the question.
thnks for dropping by both of u. I guess,out of the 6 people on this planet who read the crap tht i write..u 2 the most frequent ones......my condolences :P
i cant write my philosophy here so no comments...jst dnt b so sad...its so nt in
@ sid...
i know....but she doesnt :P :)
"Our damsel is in distress ,
She better call for James West .
Even a La Ben would do ,
Just take her to KFC and buy her a Prada Shoe"
and she lived happily ever after.
didnt expect a girl like you to be all sad n emotional....
a girl like me...? ahem...
wht does tht mean ? :P
@ spartan....
as i said earlier...the damsel is distressed, yes, the irony being tht its her knight in shining armour who causes all the distress !!!
yeah YOU ! :P
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