Monday, June 20, 2011

So you thought you were special ?

So you’re an MBA now, the child prodigy, always ahead of your age, proud to be your middle class parents over achieving child, with great expectations and a fancy education as a part of the numerous labels that adore your closet, you're made to believe you are special


Well...Cut to the corporate life…Major buzz kill. Reality Check...Life is no longer rainbows and butterflies. You’re probably living in an alien city away from home and friends with an existence which is as clichéd as it can possibly get…Your boss is always a psycho, the timings are always too long, weekends always seem to pass away too quickly…and you thought you were special...

Insignificant. Inadequate and Totally Expendable - Probably the only 3 adjectives that will define your work life from now...

Ironically, what seemed to be an attractive price to give your life away for, while you were being auctioned off to the highest bidder during your placements, seems to be a cruel joke now cause three weeks down the line you'll realize that even a high school can do what you're doing and Investment Banking is nothing but being a Glorified Clerk and before you know it, life will become an endless series of FMLs ~

1) Your resume is as hopeless as your last relationship :-/

2) You barely have the time to spend, yet you’re always bankrupt at the end of every month. Always

3) You work like an ass, get kicked like a mule.. Sitting in office till 10pm becomes a moral obligation

4) Its seems as if the whole universe is conspiring against you when you’re late for work in the morning

5) You’ve become an expert in handling hangovers (This includes you developing a new found respect for the discoverers of coffee)

6) Secret blogs like these become your personal diaries with Mondays as the most recurring topic of habitual cribbing while Facebook becomes your only hope…your last shot at any form of social life

7) Being constantly plugged into the wall with your boring desk job you are seriously contemplating to get yourself registered for one of those stem cell research programs, just in case you need vision restoration in the near future

8) The relative misery continues….and your peers ALWAYS seem to be having a better jobs, life's and pay packages…while you cant even remember the last time you had a date

9) 'Bad Day' by Daniel Powter becomes your almost daily anthem at work

10) Subway becomes your staple diet

11) You experience occasional umbilical whiplashes – the only thing that irritates you more than your bosses sarcastic looks are your moms digs at you getting married

12) Your midlife crisis seems to have pre-poned itself by a couple of decades

13) It suddenly hits you that anyone who has ever really cared about you is a million miles away and the only thing longer than your pending weekend to do list is your long distance phone bills

14) You conceptualize posts like these while you're pretending to work on an extremely important ppt in the post lunch hours to keep yorself from dozing off

15) You're not getting any younger, smarter or healthier. The worst part being you don’t even remember the last time, you were motivated, excited or even gave a shit about something


Well, anyway, im done with my cribbing for the day....No one said life would be easy in the first place and just maybe I am wherever I am for a reason....I mean, this may have not been the life that i had ordered for, but it is definitely a safe hideout -- till i can get back the strength to be on my feet again...And when i am, ill be ready to spin the bottle and start my journey towards where i am really meant to be...

# Dedicated to a friend who quit his job today and a friend whose psycho boss just wont let him go!


Raj said...

on the good side, it could be worse. it could.

S said...

Your resume is as hopeless as your last relationship *sigh*


And I am reading this post right on the day when I join a new job? Well timed, Ivy I must say. Now I know why you mailed me this!

This post my friend, will be shared :D

Live- life-king-size!! said...

Hi Ivy,

Hope you are doing good!

Kindly acknowledge the comments with BACKUPs.

Please note i liked the point 5 and 9 d most... It does not need any QC , its perfect .

I m glad u have finally writn it ..will b luking forward for more pieces of u..

I hope this suits you fine!


Raj said...

Insignificant. Inadequate and Totally Expendable. it seems so doesn't it?

small drops of water make a ocean. whats an ocean without water?

sanely insane said...

Welcome to the losers' club. All the while you were partaaying...we were patiently waiting for you from this side of the line (Devilish loud laughter).

However we also give everyone a fair chance to leave the club. Though seldom have we seen people do. So here are the things you must do if you want to leave the club:
1. Do not let a paunch grow. People with paunches never leave the club.
2. You have to save 50% of what you earn. People who don't save never leave the club.
3. Be at the top of the game (in your office). think of it like the chess, you are the small pawn who needs to reach the end of the board to change into the queen (your true form ;) ). Pawns who don't reach the end of the board never leave the club.

So there, there's one more thing to do...but you become eligible for that only if you manage to do at least points one and two.

Wishing you aaaal d bestttt :P

ROFL...literally :P

Stuti Dhyani said...

there is this realization and yet there is this race..a rat race!
nice read:)

Stuti Dhyani said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
vC said...

I am assuming that this post is dedicated to me in all aspects..

This post (where u crib first and then justify it all in the last para) has not come to me as a surprise and at least its much better than the previous suicidal sad ones. Actually its more of a change from a student life to work life which creates all this problem..I am sure the knack of making friends which you very well have will cure it all..
i hope u get back the strength to be on ur feet again...and u spin the bottle(i wonder which one :P) and start your journey towards where u r really meant to be... :)

Nishit said...

seriously well written...will be waiting for your next blog..hopefully about some positives you derived from work...:)