Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Something borrowed...

thinking of the good old times
then fearing getting left behind
thinking of the me in you
something borrowed
something blue

thinking of the lines we crossed
all of my destructive thoughts
and that crazy head of yours
something borrowed
something lost

thinking of the morning light
thinking of the honest lies
somewhere else you gotta be
someone wrong
but something right

thinking of the years that passed
looming darkness and the fall
and a love that couldn’t last
someone stronger
through it all

thinking of all the lost times
finding reasons, missing signs
a chance to find what matters most
something clearer
something mine ~

1 comment:

Raj said...

Will i ever get to wherever it is that i am going? If i do, will i know when im there? If the wind blew me in the right direction, would i even care?

seems to me. u do care. u got ur heart in the right place girlie. :)