#Dedicated to my friends, the super-expensive hangbag that i shouldnt have bought and Charlotte.
Disclaimer- Its 2.38 am as i write this. Im terribly bored and half asleep. Kindly ignore the bad grammer and lame bimboish talks.
Okhay, here's a thing about breakups, they might be bad for the heart but GREAT for the countries economy.
I cried my eyes out, for about a month, after breaking-up with a guy i wasnt even in love with; did the whole picture-burning ritual; indulged in choclates, 'Sex and the City' reruns and late night blogging and thus, my 'official mourning period' was supposed to end by this february.
Yet one day, when i showed up at the mall, in doing a La Miss Havishman (only the more modern version in a pair of jammers) ; my friends decided to take charge. Rebby sympathetically put it as, 'babes...you need help', as she dragged me with her.
Two days, 12 grands and a lot of shopping bags later, I was supposed to be a whole new person, or atleast my friends thought so.
( Well, i must admit, the new pair of stilletoes and the T&G products most certainly helped. I mean seriously, you should totally get one of their honey and oatmeal conditioners! They are amazing, trust me.! :P )
But anyways, as i lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to Whiteflag byDido, I knew nothing had really changed.
I cried my eyes out, for about a month, after breaking-up with a guy i wasnt even in love with; did the whole picture-burning ritual; indulged in choclates, 'Sex and the City' reruns and late night blogging and thus, my 'official mourning period' was supposed to end by this february.
Yet one day, when i showed up at the mall, in doing a La Miss Havishman (only the more modern version in a pair of jammers) ; my friends decided to take charge. Rebby sympathetically put it as, 'babes...you need help', as she dragged me with her.
Two days, 12 grands and a lot of shopping bags later, I was supposed to be a whole new person, or atleast my friends thought so.
( Well, i must admit, the new pair of stilletoes and the T&G products most certainly helped. I mean seriously, you should totally get one of their honey and oatmeal conditioners! They are amazing, trust me.! :P )
But anyways, as i lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling, listening to Whiteflag byDido, I knew nothing had really changed.
Maybe Rebby was right, maybe i did need help, but ofcourse her idea of 'help' was just an overprized pedicure :-/
I turned on my laptop to divert my mind and countless windows, pictures and updates popped up. Everyone seemed to be so happy in their individual lives as i scrolled through a few cheesy taglines.
(Now how the crap can this one female on my list, who by the way has been committed for two years; have a "Life is beautiful" tagline all the time? I mean who is she? Wonder-woman? How can she be so happy all the time?!! )
I felt a little frustrated.
All the blind stupid optimism can get on your nerves at times.
Just then, my saviour, my much loved gay friend, pinged me on gtalk.
Ab- Hey !
Ivy- Hey, thankgod ur here :(
Ab- Ab kya hua tujhe?
Ivy- Nothing...just....you know, the usual...
Ab- Get over it :P
After one hour of crying, cribbing and NOT getting over it.......
Ivy- Ab,I dont know what to do ya , I feel lost at times. I cry at small small things. I dont know...they think im going crazy. I think so too.
Ab- Why do u think so?
Ivy- I dont know! I just hate everyone and everything these days. I hate it when people feel sorry for me. I feel like puking when i see oh so happy couples getting mushy in coffee shops.
I tell my friends that im too busy to come with them, even when i sit in my room, doing NOTHING all day!
You know Ab, its been two whole days and i havent seen the god damn daylight ya! The only time i leave my room is when i go to pee.
Ab- You pervert, thats cause you sit in your room all day fantasizing a about hot naked guys :P
Ivy- .............???!!
Ab- Never mind. did i tell you about this dude i met last week...?? :P
Ivy- lol. Who where how??!!
See, there something about having good friends around you. They might try to set you up with stupid guys, give stupid love advice, refuse to go away when you want to be alone, convince you that a stupid polka dotted bag is worth spending eight grands on, get you broke, get you into trouble and never return your revlon mascara that they borrowed ages back; i mean they can be a real pain in the posterior but anyways, im digressing from the point here! The point is that there are a few people on this planet, talking to whom always makes you feel good, lighter and saner.
I mean i still have a few close friends whom i really love. I feel im more of ME, when im with them, than, when im with myself !
Does that mean im regaining the faith i once had in people?
I mean, yeah, there will always be a certain group of 'ex-friends', whom i will hate till the end of times, for things, which are best left unmentioned.
But maybe Ab is right. There still are good people in world, maybe i will get my knight in shining armour one day... reminded me of the Charlotte character from Sex and the City. She took affirmations, to find love again.....
Maybe Rebby was right, maybe i did need help, but ofcourse her idea of 'help' was just an overprized pedicure :-/
I turned on my laptop to divert my mind and countless windows, pictures and updates popped up. Everyone seemed to be so happy in their individual lives as i scrolled through a few cheesy taglines.
(Now how the crap can this one female on my list, who by the way has been committed for two years; have a "Life is beautiful" tagline all the time? I mean who is she? Wonder-woman? How can she be so happy all the time?!! )
I felt a little frustrated.
All the blind stupid optimism can get on your nerves at times.
Just then, my saviour, my much loved gay friend, pinged me on gtalk.
Ab- Hey !
Ivy- Hey, thankgod ur here :(
Ab- Ab kya hua tujhe?
Ivy- Nothing...just....you know, the usual...
Ab- Get over it :P
After one hour of crying, cribbing and NOT getting over it.......
Ivy- Ab,I dont know what to do ya , I feel lost at times. I cry at small small things. I dont know...they think im going crazy. I think so too.
Ab- Why do u think so?
Ivy- I dont know! I just hate everyone and everything these days. I hate it when people feel sorry for me. I feel like puking when i see oh so happy couples getting mushy in coffee shops.
I tell my friends that im too busy to come with them, even when i sit in my room, doing NOTHING all day!
You know Ab, its been two whole days and i havent seen the god damn daylight ya! The only time i leave my room is when i go to pee.
Ab- You pervert, thats cause you sit in your room all day fantasizing a about hot naked guys :P
Ivy- .............???!!
Ab- Never mind. did i tell you about this dude i met last week...?? :P
Ivy- lol. Who where how??!!
See, there something about having good friends around you. They might try to set you up with stupid guys, give stupid love advice, refuse to go away when you want to be alone, convince you that a stupid polka dotted bag is worth spending eight grands on, get you broke, get you into trouble and never return your revlon mascara that they borrowed ages back; i mean they can be a real pain in the posterior but anyways, im digressing from the point here! The point is that there are a few people on this planet, talking to whom always makes you feel good, lighter and saner.
I mean i still have a few close friends whom i really love. I feel im more of ME, when im with them, than, when im with myself !
Does that mean im regaining the faith i once had in people?
I mean, yeah, there will always be a certain group of 'ex-friends', whom i will hate till the end of times, for things, which are best left unmentioned.
But maybe Ab is right. There still are good people in world, maybe i will get my knight in shining armour one day... reminded me of the Charlotte character from Sex and the City. She took affirmations, to find love again.....
Maybe i should do the same Or maybe i should turn into the Samantha character, who was the most promiscious one, she believed that she has had "hundreds" of soulmates.
I dicussed all this with Ab, who reminded me that Samantha used her glamorous, impenetrable facade and dismissive approach to love to actually hide a sensitive, caring nature.
Ivy- Oh yeah...not her then. You see, I wanna do something crazy, like being the ruthless cold hearted bitch for a while who can date ten guys in two months, what say?
Ab- Lol. YEah right...Three years and your still not over your first guy...Loser
Ivy- Ouch
Ab- Your more like the Carrie chick, whose obssessed with the Chris Noth character.
Ivy- No im not !
Okhay maybe i am...
but your not helping Ab !!!!! :(
Ab- Kidding babes. Maybe you should just colour your hair red :P
At 6.30pm, i got a call from Rebby.
Rebby- Wassup??!
Me- Nothin at all. You tell me?
Rebby- Barista 7pm?
Me- ummm...okhay.
Rebby- and hey, try not wearing the female devdaas look ok ?
Me- Got it.(smiling)
Rebby- Okhay see ya then.
ME- Hey Rebby, dont forget to get my revlon mascara that you borrowed last month and hey you still havent returned my...
Rebby- HEllo??!! Cant hear ya??!! Alright ! See you then.
Bitch !!!
I quickly said bye to Ab and promised to return with more sob stories later at night, at which he politely asked me to f*** off and get a life. Then, I immediately got into the most stylish set of clothes i could find in my wadrobe and zoomed off to the city in my car to meet my friends.
When I returned home at 9pm, Mom was standing in the hallway looking pissed.
Mom (screaming): You spent eight thousand rupees on a bag?!! Gimme your credit card !!!!
I handed over my card reluctantly.
Me : Mom, im sorry okhay...I know i shouldnt have, but you dont have to do this....
Mom (still screaming): Give me one good reason why i shouldnt?!!
ME (almost in tears): Cause i love you and your the best mommy in the whole wide world. And...and....its 'Women's day' tomorrow and we as women must love and respect each other...
Crap. I couldnt believe i said all that. Gosh, I DID need help!
Mom: Guess what? Your not getting to keep the bag either. GO TO YOUR ROOM !!!
I quietly went to my room then, there was nothing more i could do; the dictator had spoken, but i can swear that i saw a smirk on her face when she said that she was going to keep the purse.
I could almost picture her carrying the bag to one of her lame-ass kitty parties, flaunting it to every third woman.
Now wait, come to think of it, it wasnt just a careless smirk; it was more like a full-blown-blatant-sinisterous-malicious-smile !!!
Great !! Royally grounded for a stupid bag, that i dont even get to keep, i thought to myself, as i kicked the door of my room shut, as loudly as i could.
I turned on the telivision, only to see Oprah talk about Women's day celebrations.
aaaagggRRRHhh !!!
Women's day my a** !!!!
Whoever said that two women could 'love' 'respect' or even live under the same roof harmoniously, should seriously get his HEAD EXAMINED !!!!
I dicussed all this with Ab, who reminded me that Samantha used her glamorous, impenetrable facade and dismissive approach to love to actually hide a sensitive, caring nature.
Ivy- Oh yeah...not her then. You see, I wanna do something crazy, like being the ruthless cold hearted bitch for a while who can date ten guys in two months, what say?
Ab- Lol. YEah right...Three years and your still not over your first guy...Loser
Ivy- Ouch
Ab- Your more like the Carrie chick, whose obssessed with the Chris Noth character.
Ivy- No im not !
Okhay maybe i am...
but your not helping Ab !!!!! :(
Ab- Kidding babes. Maybe you should just colour your hair red :P
At 6.30pm, i got a call from Rebby.
Rebby- Wassup??!
Me- Nothin at all. You tell me?
Rebby- Barista 7pm?
Me- ummm...okhay.
Rebby- and hey, try not wearing the female devdaas look ok ?
Me- Got it.(smiling)
Rebby- Okhay see ya then.
ME- Hey Rebby, dont forget to get my revlon mascara that you borrowed last month and hey you still havent returned my...
Rebby- HEllo??!! Cant hear ya??!! Alright ! See you then.
Bitch !!!
I quickly said bye to Ab and promised to return with more sob stories later at night, at which he politely asked me to f*** off and get a life. Then, I immediately got into the most stylish set of clothes i could find in my wadrobe and zoomed off to the city in my car to meet my friends.
When I returned home at 9pm, Mom was standing in the hallway looking pissed.
Mom (screaming): You spent eight thousand rupees on a bag?!! Gimme your credit card !!!!
I handed over my card reluctantly.
Me : Mom, im sorry okhay...I know i shouldnt have, but you dont have to do this....
Mom (still screaming): Give me one good reason why i shouldnt?!!
ME (almost in tears): Cause i love you and your the best mommy in the whole wide world. And...and....its 'Women's day' tomorrow and we as women must love and respect each other...
Crap. I couldnt believe i said all that. Gosh, I DID need help!
Mom: Guess what? Your not getting to keep the bag either. GO TO YOUR ROOM !!!
I quietly went to my room then, there was nothing more i could do; the dictator had spoken, but i can swear that i saw a smirk on her face when she said that she was going to keep the purse.
I could almost picture her carrying the bag to one of her lame-ass kitty parties, flaunting it to every third woman.
Now wait, come to think of it, it wasnt just a careless smirk; it was more like a full-blown-blatant-sinisterous-malicious-smile !!!
Great !! Royally grounded for a stupid bag, that i dont even get to keep, i thought to myself, as i kicked the door of my room shut, as loudly as i could.
I turned on the telivision, only to see Oprah talk about Women's day celebrations.
aaaagggRRRHhh !!!
Women's day my a** !!!!
Whoever said that two women could 'love' 'respect' or even live under the same roof harmoniously, should seriously get his HEAD EXAMINED !!!!
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magic your are.
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