Four crazy girls, driving through the foothills of mussoorie, with a stolen bottle of tequila in the backseat of a safari and kelly clarkson playing in the background, talking about love, life and more; All the ingredients of a perfect girls day out or a complete disaster ? FIND OUT ! :)
"So he's hot ?"
"Check", I smiled.
"Is a tennis pro?"
"Then why exactly wont you go out with him, you nutcase ?!"
On any ordinary day i would have started a long sob story about how cynical i had become when it came to relationships...but today was different....I was happy after a long long time, now that i was with the people i loved the most...my bestest friends...
After 5years of being friends and family to each other in a catholic all girls boarding school, life had taken the four of us in different directions but after all these years of living our own individual lives and fighting our own battles we were back together to where we had started from.
"C'mon ya Ivy...Just think, if he's so good at forehand, how good he must be with foreplay ", Misha continued with a devilish grin.
"Oh nooo i do not hook up..oh oh i fall deep.....", I started singing along with the 'I do not hook up' track that played in the car,
"Get it?", I said as i winked at her.
"Awww..Cmon, had I been in your place I would have made out with him 3 times a day right in the middle of the tennis court !!" She turned around and announced in a typical Australian accent that she had picked up during her three years of studying abroad, at which everyone giggled.
That was so typical Misha.
Mish had always been the most popular girl in school because of her cheekiness. She spent most of her time being chased by guys of other schools and the rest being caught off campus doing things she wasn't supposed to be doing. She also passed more hours listening to the principals lectures than reading her class notes. All the guys lusted after her, the girls bitched about her and the juniors idolized her. In a way, she enjoyed her promiscuous image as long as it had everyone in town talking about her. Fun fearless female, that was her.
After school she went to Sydney for graduation and claimed to be living the sex and the city life there, which no one doubted, even for a second, She was a born freak after all..
"Chill out Misha. You're back in India now...Why did u come back anyway.?", I asked.
There was a brief pause and everyone looked at her.
"Whatever...I missed u guys, thts all...", she muttered.
"Yeah right..." said Aaina with a smirk.
Aaina Khan...the child prodigy..the house captain, Swimming Champion...College topper and with another twenty titles to her credit, she had everything going right for her...except for her love life....
When your boyfriend dumps you for a junior in college and turns your life into living hell, there is nothing more comforting than trashing the girl and calling her a bitch and that is exactly what we did for the next 20 minutes.
"Yeah Aaina, I saw her pictures on facebook...she looks like a complete slut, besides you were always too good for the guy, forget him ya.." Misha summed it up sympathetically.
"I know...thanks you guys" Aaina sighed.
"Are we there yet?", Shirin murmured from the back seat for the first time. She always got sick in the hills and thus preferred to sleep through the journey.
She was the shy and introverted one. Her dad had a whole chain of hotels that he wanted her to eventually take over but Shirin remained uninterested...If only daddy dearest knew that his lil daughter had other plans...of eloping with an army guy.
"Yeah princess, get your ass out of the car", I said as I parked the car on a deserted road next to a depleted little restaurant that even the local people knew little about.
"Whats up with you Shirin? Don't tell me your still with that army guy..? Omg !! Schools over girl, snap out of it !! " said Misha dramatically.
We had attended a particular NDA ball along with the so many other socials during school. It was a harmless little thing in which the girls interacted with the army cadets, who asked them for dance in the presence of the school authorities, which no one took it seriously except for Shirin ofcourse.
"Yeah dude that was like a one night stand..Well, in a non-sexual way...", I added sarcastically.
"Well i love him okay. and he loves me too..."
There was a brief pause after which all of us broke into a fit of laughter except for Shirin who looked pissed.
"My god...so except Shirin who's dating a loser..You all are single?? Not happening man....", said Misha sounding disappointed, as we paid the waiter after lunch and moved out.
We then opened a bottle of tequila which Shirin had stolen from her dads mini bar and took two shots each and then climbed down a little footpath that led us to the wilderness.
We were headed to a place called Hundred-Steps, an oblivious little waterfall in the middle of the forest area...It was the perfect spot for boozing and hanging out far away from the noisy city and tourist crowd.
We continued walking on the a little trail, laughing,talking and bitching about everyone we had ever known, stopping occasionally for tequila breaks.
After an hour of trekking the place was nowhere to be seen...the forest trail had ended and we were on our own for directions.
"You don't have any idea where we are going, have you?", Shirin yelled, totally high and unable to even walk straight.
"Ofcourse I know where we are...We were supposed to walk for 2kms and there the was supposed to be a board...and...",I stopped to sit down as my head started to spin.
"We are screwed guys !! hahaha !! So totally screwed !!",
Aaina's laughing continued for the next ten minutes....Tequila did that to her. She just had to smell alcohol to get high.
"You know we can get raped, murdered, anything and no one will even come to know what happened to us. Ivy,do something...!!"
"Okay okay...lets just head back to the car alright...",I said, trying to sound in control of the situation.
We climbed up the hill a little somehow,trying to retrace our steps, staggering and falling all over the place, feeling more lost than we did earlier. There was no sign of a road or the falls.
"Great !! How the hell are we supposed to make it back now ?! Rahul will freak out if he gets to know that you guys have been so irresponsi-"
"Oh shut the fuck up...!!", Misha interrupted her. "That guy has been running your whole life...Its fucking ridiculous..Are you blind or plain stupid? Everyone knows that its your dads money that he's after...."
"What did you just say?"
"I said the truth okhay. Nothing more nothing less. You think he's in love with you? You moron !! And you're ready to throw away your family, your career, everything for an asshole like him..? Ha!"
A tear rolled down Shirin's eyes.
It did have some truth to it but it was a rather cruel way of putting it, besides this was neither the time nor the place for this discussion...But Misha was obviously too drunk to have known better.
"Shit ! what are you guys doing? Misha shut the hell up ! Your drunk !! Shirin...hey stop crying, she didn't mean it....She's just high..", I tried to calm them down.
"Stay the fuck outta my life okhay...There's more to life than sleeping around with random guys...What would a girl like you know about relationships?!!", Shirin shot back.
"Ok that's it Shut up !! Everyone just shut up!!!", I screamed as loud as I could.
Everyone was silent after that especially Misha who looked kinda hurt by Shirin's sudden retort and continued drinking.
Suddenly it started to rain.
Aiana had summed it up brilliantly despite of being sloshed outta her skull.We were indeed screwed. What was supposed to be a fun filled trip was slowly turning out to be a complete disaster.
All of a sudden it occurred to me that the restaurant guy had given us a receipt that probably had a phone number on it, on which we could call for help. All of us checked our phones for network and thankfully Aaina's phone was still working.
I called up the manager who said that he would be sending someone over immediately.
Everyone let out a giant sigh of relief...except Misha she looked as if she was going to cry or puke...it was hard to tell.
It was getting dark and everything looked eerie. The downpour continued and all of us were drenched.
"Guys i have something to tell you.."
It was Misha, she had been quiet for a long time.
"Misha stop it,no gross sex stories right now...Aaina has already puked twice..."
"No..not that...there's something i never told u guys...or anyone ever"
For the first time in my life i had seen her this serious.
"There was a guy I was seeing in Sydney and I was totally in love with him and we...we were into a live-in..Everything was going so perfect until...I missed my periods for two consecutive months....", She paused to look up.
Everyone was shocked by her last sentence. Even Aaina had sobered down a little by the gravity of what was being said.
"I told the guy about my pregnancy thinking that he'd be supportive but he totally freaked out and started acting as if he had nothing to do with it at all. I was crushed...I immediately moved out,still in a state of shock not knowing what to do..."
No one said a word.
"I consulted a doctor who said all my tests were negative thankfully...Soon i got my next period and the doctor concluded that it was the skin medication that i had been taking that caused the hormonal imbalance.."
"Oh thank god !!", I cried, breathing for the first time in the last five minutes.
"It was pointless telling the guy this cause he had already started dating another girl from my workplace...and that's it...For the next two years I drowned myself in work and studies and got the hell out of there as fast as i could...I felt so lonely and isolated there...I could never trust anyone again.."
"Why didnt you tell us Misha?!"
"Cause I felt that I had a reputation to live upto, besides I didnt want anyone to worry, u know...But anyways there was something much more important that I realised after going there..."
"Whats that?"
"The importance of you guys...", she was all choked up after that. This was the first time I had seen Misha cry.
"I'm so sorry Mish..", cried Shirin as she got up and went and hugged her.
"Wow...You mean that Ashten Kutcher look-a-like, you said you had fooled around with..You made that up??", said Aaina still confused and drunk at which everyone laughed.
Just then, the waiter who had served us at the restaurant appeared with a torch.
"Madamji Aap toh rasta kho gaye...Hundred-steps to us side tha...Its just 100 steps from the main road, that's why its called hundred-steps..."
For the first time no one sweared or abused or used the 'f' word.
In a way, we all were glad that we got lost. Cause sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself again...In our case, we found each other.
We went back to the same restaurant after that and had about three lime sodas each to get back to our senses and continued chattering and exchanging whatever we had missed out on, in the last three years.
Misha remained quiet mostly, except for when she was spoken to.
Shirin came out of the loo after 15 minutes smiling with her phone in her hand.
"Guys I broke up with Rahul."
"What??!!",Misha shrieked. " Hey don't listen to me...I was just talking shit..You don't have to-"
"No Misha...", Shirin smiled reassuringly. "You were right about the whole thing. Everyone was...Just that I had been lying to myself for so long....I just needed to hear it from you guys, thats all. Thanks."
"Wow ! So now all of us are single ??!! Okhay, now where exactly would we find a strip club in the goddamn country ?", said Misha in an exaggerated accent.
"Welcome back bitch", Shirin chuckled as she hugged Misha for the zillonth time.
I smiled to myself. Misha was right after all...As long as we had each other, we all were going to be just fine :)
PS- Do listen to the song...its superkickassawesome :)
(I do not hook up- Kelly clarkson)
Pssstt- i'll be gone for a lil while. some colg stuff goin on. will catch u all soon with a new story to tell. miss me !! :)
Lost and found ... !!
Lost your ways to find your 'ways' !!
Din find much reference to Ivy over here ... and yes I liked Misha's part the most in this ... !!
Detailed comments later, too screwed by the project to go into details now !!
For the 1st time ever, I liked some typical girly stuff ... nice work kiddo :P :)
(No, I didn't write that (kiddo), it gets typed by default on your page) :D
to say the truth i am specchless.
but here is something as it comes knockin once i think about it.
ivy, u can allow happy endings once in a while. :(
four girls all single, you make me wanna cry.
a girl finds out she is pregnant, her bf leaves her and then she gets lucky. wow. (loud)tere dimag main ye aata kahaan se hai?
but 1 thing is 4 certain. (other than the fact that its really long and you spent the whole night on it)
it was fun, it seriously was, in a despairing way it was. that pessismist still isnt gone, but atleast the optimitic is still there. and then another thing is, i am going to read it again.
it is that gud.
u arent bad u kno that. maybe jus maybe you will write about something like i write sumday. :) (don eva)
good afternoon.
Misha and shirin? So all you said about shireen was a lie? How heartless! Anyways I loved the story. For detailed discussions, you know what to do.( Are you a model?)
Clap, clap, clap.
This is extremely good. Cheeky and juicy alright, but not irrelevant in your story.Or not for the heck of it.
i am amazed and gobsmacked at the quality of your writeup.and a certain gleefulness that i could read this free without paying for it. You deserve to be published and people should pay to read you. I hate to dishout so much compliments but you deserve this. Ciao, keep writing such entertaining yet profoundly meaningful posts. :)
stupendous work gal!..time you get ur work published and broaden ur horizons.:)three cheers!
ps: look at the last 2 comments. yer the one who should get serious about a novel. :P
@ sourav
awww whats there to know about ivy...you already know her dont you ? :)
@ piyush..
yeah sorry to break your fantasies man...shirin is not a lesbian after all :P
and no im not a model..but you better make me sound like one...you know where and how *winks*
@ stuti...
aww your always so encouraging. thanks :)
@ zillionbug..
wow. thanks so much for all those compliments. overwhelmed ! really :)
keep reading.
now your comment was the most interesting one...how is the story sad? all's well tht ends well isnt it? I dunno..i feel tht this is the most optimistic story ive ever written ! :) dnt u think ? :)
about the novel thingy...nahhh..miles to go for tht :)
has to be the first looonnnggg post that i've ever read. completely. :D
girlfriends are the bestest ever!
"In a way we all were glad that we got lost. Cause sometimes you have to get lost to find yourself again...In our case, we found each other."
Loved that line, btw!
wow!....the bonding bits were so real ...with or without tequila, i guess, gal pals go thru tht at least a few times in their lives!!!been a hostelite all my life... felt a sense of deja vu :)
Ivy... Write a book...
It was simply amazing. I love my girlies and the fun we have had together.. getting drunk and speaking non-sense... *sigh*
It makes my heart choke when I think about life without them. But then your experience gave me hope that we'll be together (:
Amazing. I loved it from the first word to the very last.
PS: I love that song too :D
thats a lengthy post :)
@ Atmm...
aww...thnkyou so much !! you guys r all so nice :)
@ suree...
sure is...but if u try readin it..hopefully u wont end up disappointed :)
@ shruti..
high five !! :)
wow its been a long time i read something that was long and hooked me badly till i finished it
I love the kind of stuff this was...a total gal out...and i badly missed my friends.....i guess i need to have a PJ gal party soon :)
But this was fantabolous ...and u shd surely write a book...i thoroughly love this :D
jus fantastic...
we need to lost some time to find ourselves..
superb line...
no words to praise u..
keep going dear.. :)
@ jinxed pixie...
girl power rules \m/
thnks so much lil one :)
@ wandering thoughts..
thanks so much :) i was kinda hoping someone would identify with it :) thnks for droppin by :)
@ mysterious gal...
thnkyou :) n yeah plan the pj party soon, im thinkin of doing the same :)
nice name :) thnks for dropping by..glad u liked it.
Thats life. Sometime you have to get lost to find yourself.
P.s. Nice blog :)
@ivy:Just few questions:
1. how does it feel wen so many people praise u?
2.does hundred steps exist?
3.Is ivy that a lilywhite? Not much of a mention of her character.
Wow! Just wow! The initial part really reminded me of my friends and made me soooo nostalgic and then the narration was just amazing. :D I loved it!
So what more to say after all these compliments u got! :)
t was splendid. u can really start publishing your works somewer nah(yea othr than here!)
@ jal pari... thnkyou :)
1)it feels the same.
2) i'll have to see it to belv it now.
3)thrs nothin interesting about me..someone said tht m inconsiderate n tht i dnt put myself in other people's shoes n wht not and considering how smart this operson claims to be..i guess thts all thr is to me.
@ Ms. R...
yayy :) the fact tht its cmin from u means a lot :)
@ it ! :P
ur never gonna spell my name correctly are you? :P
@ivy: who said u r not considerate n tht u dnt put urself in other people's shoes must be the biggest ass i ever know....
he doesn't know u r a queen!!
@ vc..
for the first time in my life i agree wid u.
Aww...you know this can be made into a sitcom! Well narrated & it is always nice to read about somebody else's life :)
Quite a lengthy girly post :) but loved the bits in it :) , didn't know girly talk can be any other than gossiping as well :) he he.. always a delight to read such stuff...keep rockin yaar..tc, god bless
ivy the writer is starting to blossom is it?? Just one word Brilliant! :)
@ choco.
sitcom?!! well yeah i guess thr was enuf drama thr :) thnkyou :)
@ hary..
nooo !!
who said girls gossip?!! they just indulge in intelligent exchange of knowledge and information , if u know wht i mean :P
@ hemish..
writer? nahh..m just another person wid a story to tell. miles to go before i can call myself a writer :)
I like the happy polka-ish look oF ur blog :)
and yes my blog has been finally updated and I got something for u there ... visit soon :D
Be happy kiddo :D
really? i thought it looked hideous !!
thnks :)
wow what real bonding!!!
lol@Sourav's typically girly but hey girls make ur world go round..
and single girls? sure do have a bigger life span you know :D
brilliant writeup!
felt every emotion and scene!
great writing. One can actually feel the bond b/w the 'characters' in the 'story'. U feel sorry for one, happy for another, happy that they all have one another.
In the end, one finds a prayer in the heart for all of them.
a very good story
yeah friends are alwaz d main part of our lives and we sumtyms realise deir imporatnce after we are left alone...
everyhting is quite true related to ur real lifes....
well very well written...
Hahaha..Nice story. Enjoyed reading it!
glad to entertain you :)
@ the aspirant..
some ties remain wid us thru and thru..especially when u grow up wid some people :)
@ bluebird..
glad u did. coz this post is more about the emotions shared by 4 frnds rather than the story or the girl talk :) glad u appreciated tht.
@ Ad...
i agree !! and u know he exactly knows wht the term "girls make ur world go round..""
he's been gettin his butt kicked for too long..hohoho :P
er...44 comments? this might b the most popular blog (after fake iplplayer)..tht I am aware of.. good story telling skills n needless to say..nice blog and post..
@Americanising Desi ... Well said and very badly accepted ;) and i know what impact a girl can have on anyone's existence (u might not be interested to know this, but I am a victim of 'typical girly' ways) obviously with due respect to every girl and thr typical ways !! :D
@Kiddo ... not only round, but I have been left on the edges too ... with a free fall on both sides !! Anyways its now time for me to do some butt-kicking :P and u Ivy...yes you...all the best and don't be a 'PATIENT' anymore now ... (u do understand, what i meant) ... Take care ... God Bless :)
A story of 4 happily single girls, titled, "It's a girl thing"! How damn unfair!!
haha.. the tequila nights.. i remember my college days.. used to have conversations like this.. :P
hey is it like all real..i mean all of it..you have narrated it so well..superb writing :D
nice post....i love this
u r superb
nice goin...
keep it up...
IVY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can i just say , i so damn loved the story ....
rather to be specific , the effortless mood you created , with a group of friends ( details of everybody's character ) , tequila ...the SO-COOl lingo .
Girl u nailed us .
Instant hit from my side.
Its my first visit to your blog , and m glued .
Cheers !
keep it rolling bud .
ps: loved MISHA!! ( i could almost imagine a face and her awseome accent ) :-)
Enjoyed reading this post! Yeah it is lengthy, but I know how it is once you start writing!! =) Reminds me of my friends!! =)
Keep posting!! Looking forward to read more!
This was a great Friendship story I read in a very long time.
Reminded me allot of my College friends. I Miss them. :)
Super duper awesome...gr8 fun to read!
i m adding my naughtiness to this amazing piece of writing, really you blew my roof off!
The way your fingernails tore at my back. The way your hair smelled. The way your legs wrapped around mine like a brilliant work of art. The way you bit your lip so delicately. They way your eyes held back such beautiful brutality. Everything was perfect. Everything was steamy summer passion.
We rose and fell all through the night; waves in a carnal ocean. Not even the shore could break us apart.
Nice Blog. Congrats.
{ Treasurer-T & S }
I just landed up in here somehow..
And I must confess..How luckyy of me to be here !!!
From the template..to the song..from the post..to the blog..evrything is fab !!!
Trust me!!!
Way to go lady...
Way to go....
Will be back soon..
Keep rocking in here !!!
Best wishes..
wow, simply wow! u guys rock
well written....
well presented story thro discussion! reminds me of my good old college and hostel days! cheers!
pathetic really !
where r u dear...its long time !!
Why didnt i come across this blog before. you are just way too amazing at writing stuff. i think you should publish it in a book. im sure it will sell. you r awesome keep writing. loved the story to the core. :)
I read two amazing (long) short stories today. Must be my lucky day! :)
Really nice. The highlight, of course, was the getting lost to find yourself part. Great work. I'll now read other stories of yours. :)
this coming from a person who doesn't like reading long post,but had read yours.
must say nice try, it glued me.
well written. keep writing :)
anonymous comment. someones ganing a celebrity status. :P
That was so nice to read.. i was completely engrossed in this story.... yeah girl moments are really special...
Domain registration india
Oh mann..
Im 1st time here.
And I just loved it.
You are amazing.
Hi! thanks for following my blog!
If it's of any use, I didn't know where I wanted to go, I just knew I wanted to go somewhere :P
ur blog....is missing a shoutbox where people can shout how much they miss u.
its also missing a nu post. 85 days n counting. :(
well....I can bet a million pounds that you are a Shobhaa de in makin....i m dead sure of that....this is the most intersting blog i hav ever read...tremendous appeal..u r definitely goin to write a best seller in ur life.....
pinak dattaray said...
well....I can bet a million pounds that you are a Shobhaa de in makin....i m dead sure of that....this is the most intersting blog i hav ever read...tremendous appeal..u r definitely goin to write a best seller in ur life.....
amen to that :P
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